"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer." Psalm 19:14
This is such a familiar verse but one that still stops me in my tracks every time. It is such a great prayer to God and is the desire of my heart, but I often fail to pray this to the Lord and I know that what I say and my thoughts are often not pleasing to Him. On my own I think sinful thoughts and just say things as they come to my mind without asking for wisdom. This is definitely a verse I need to memorize (which is not a strength of mine but I need to work on it) so that it is my daily prayer. I must remember though that He is my Rock and my Redeemer I can't please Him in my own efforts. I must lean on His strength and ask Him to grow me in these areas as I pursue holiness.
Every month the women of our church come together for a night of fellowship and teaching of God's Word. It is called Women's Connection. Last night our pastor's wife, Terri, taught on Anna. There were so many great things that she said about Anna and her life is truly such an example to me. Here's a few of the things said about her:
-She whole heartedly gave herself to the Lord
-She knew the Scriptures
-She persevered to the end, by God's grace
Also, God was the lover of her soul and she was like a magnet drawing people to her Savior. She finished well and is a great model of a godly woman.