Monday, January 17, 2011

Day #6 Slave of God

"But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the fruit you get leads to sanctification and its end, eternal life." Romans 6:22

It's definitely Monday morning.  Aren't Monday mornings just crazy sometimes?  I often get to the end of a Monday and have to remind myself-it's just Monday!  I don't know how it happens but there's just so much going on and so much to do that by the end of the day I feel like it has to at least be Thursday.  Well I still have dishes to do and laundry to start washing and I am still sipping on my morning coffee at 11:30.  Yes, it has been a slow morning:)
But most importantly I was able to be in the Word and read this verse from Romans and be reminded that its not about me anyways.  I am a slave to God.  I am being sanctified.  I have been blessed with eternal life.  These are all good reminders and change my attitude about everything when I put things into perspective.  I am thankful that the word revives the soul and helps me to think on what really matters. 

Also, yes, you caught me!  I skipped my reading on Sunday.  I have always struggled with that.  I don't know why it is harder for me to find time to be in the Word on Sunday.  I think I can easily justify missing my time with the Lord because I am going to church, hearing His word, and being around believers but I know that is not a good excuse at all.  Do any of you struggle with this?  What has helped you? 

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